53 - What is Industry? (w/ Jesse Noar!)
53. What is Industry?
There are a variety of career paths for a scientist, but those paths might not be immediately clear. What is industry? What are some benefits and consequences to a career in industry? Let’s learn to be scientifically conversational.
Book on how to apply to US federal jobs: https://www.amazon.com/Federal-Resume-Guidebook-6th-Successful/dp/0986142123
Networking for Nerds: https://www.amazon.com/Networking-Nerds-Game-Changing-Opportunities-Everywhere/dp/1118663586/
Cheeky Scientist - network of people/resources (with membership), some good articles and advice (free): https://cheekyscientist.com/
AgCareers - good site for advice and job seeking: https://www.agcareers.com/
Local stuff:
NC Biotech Center - local jobs board, calendar of many good events/networking: https://www.ncbiotech.org/
Triangle Biotech Tuesday - monthly RTP networking event: https://www.trianglebiotechtuesday.com/