103 - Lizards (w/ Aaron Griffing!)

103. Lizards

After a couple of weeks of virology and immunology, it’s time to step back into the world of organismal biology. What is a lizard? What is a squamate? What is some of their evolutionary history? Let’s learn to be scientifically conversational.

Aaron took this picture!

Aaron took this picture!

General Learning Concepts

1)     Discussion questions:

a.     What is a lizard / what are some differences between reptiles and amphibians?

b.     What is the evolutionary history of reptiles/lizards?

c.     What are some unique / divergent traits of lizards?

d.     What are some things that lizards contribute to our self-serving human culture (eg. eating bugs, whatever)

e.     What are some reasons to study lizards and reptiles?

f.       What is an example of research you do to study lizards?

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